Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Popsicle Summer

This crazy heat has caused major clamor clamor recently and I've gone on a popsicle rampage. I discovered a little place in San Diego that is famous for their strawberry basil popsicles and that got me going. Strawberry basil sounded disgusting so I did a little research and found out that there are plenty of places that make something with that weird combination. So off I went. Bought a popsicle mold on Amazon and sneaked a peek at a Martha Stewart magazine article on popsicles and I've been hooked for a couple months now. Here are a couple pictures -- one with mixed fruit and the other with mango-mint and strawberry. I'm working my way through the sweet stuff before going on to savory.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Never Know When It'll Hit The Fan

So I really didn't know how I'd start off here for my first post or what I'd talk about. But upon checking my bank account online this morning, I suddenly had an answer in the form of some surprise clamor clamor.

Apparently somebody has been fiddling with my bank card. I had mysteriously been subscribed to a helpful agency called creditreport.com. for a mere $14.95. And as I began to look further, I noticed a weird entry called MVQ*PRIVACYM. Kind of a forboding name, and I wracked my brain trying to remember what this could be. After I eliminated porno from the possibilities, I googled the term. Lo and behold. It is a billing code for a company called Privacy Matters 123, a nifty identity protection program that assists members in credit fraud issues. And they do it for only $29.95 a month. In order to unsubscribe, their website actually suggested I enter my card number. Now that's rich. Not today fellas.

So I kept looking through my statement and found more. More from them and more from others. Someone had even purchased five Nokia "gaming" cell phones on my tab. Five. Grand total $730 bucks. It will be reimbursed by the bank, but what a pain. Oh well. I'm sure I'll never know who is responsible. And that's probably a good thing, because there'd likely be some more clamor clamor. Bitches.

I'm Here Now

Ahhh. Welcome to my world, I say. Now let's start some clamor clamor.